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Mac Pro USA



Mac Pro USA

Mac Pro Rhode Island School of Design


Our institution invested a small fortune on the new cylindrical Mac Pros.

Given that they would be installed in our student accessible computer labs — we needed a means of securing them.


Thus — we decided to test out Core Security Ltd’s “Mac Pro” security enclosure.

We were extremely pleased with our demo., and decided to purchase the “Mac Pro” enclosures.

The enclosure is extremely well engineered, rugged and secure — and simple to install onto any table or surface you desire.

They can be keyed the same, in lots or individually – your choice.


It’s an elegant design — providing an unobstructed view and access to all the ports available on the new Mac Pro.

The enclosure’s design blends in very well with Apple’s new Mac Pro.


Our Staff, Students and Faculty are very pleased with our decision!




Paul Bento

Technical Manager, IT Service Operations

Office of Information Technology

Rhode Island School of Design